We will start with the facts why are the diet pills unhealthy!
We all have doubts and we all find hope in diet pills but we are wrong. Even though some may not be harmful, supplements and over-the-counter (OTC) weight-loss remedies that tout a quick fix usually don’t work — if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.Many OTC diet pills are intended for obese adults, and are not recommended for anyone under 18. Among the many reasons why diet pills aren’t a good idea are the horrible side effects, which include gas (farting), oily discharge, and diarrhea — just to name a few.

1. Diet pills can over control your hunger. The only problem is that you will not want to eat at all. After taking these diet pills, you can literally have to force yourself to eat.

2. Diet pills can be very expensive. We have all seen several commercials promoting diet pills that cost $149 a month. If you have a lot of weight to lose, this can really add up. For example, if you have 100 pounds to lose and lose 10 pounds each month, you’ll spend $1490, plus shipping.

3. The results you receive from diet pills are short term. Once you stop taking those diet pills you will gain the weight back.Sometimes even double it.

4. People depend on diet pills, rather than learning new techniques. If you learn to exercise and eat healthier, you’ll lose weight safely. Diet pills sometimes claim you can continue to eat the same foods, such as double cheeseburgers and ice cream, but once you’ve hit your target weight and stop taking the pills, those habits are still there and the weight will come back.

5. Diet pills are often pulled off the market by the FDA. Sometimes for various reasons, the FDA determines certain diet pills to be unhealthy or they find that the statements the manufactures of these pills have made are far fetched. Either way, do you want to waste your money on diet pills that are unhealthy or that don’t work at all?

6. Diet pills can be very dangerous. In the past few years, several diet pills have been pulled off the market after several people have had heart attacks. In some cases, these people died. Do you really want to take the chance of taking a diet pill that may be the cause of your death? It takes months and sometimes even years, to determine how risky some diet pills are. Just because they look safe now, doesn’t’t mean they are.

7. Diet pills can be loaded with caffeine and other substances that cause your energy levels to soar. You may find exercising to be no trouble at all while taking diet pills. Other times, you may find it annoying that you can’t sit still for longer than 5 minutes without shaking uncontrollably. You may also find it annoying that you cannot sleep because you have so much energy.

8. Diet pills can cause you to lose weight too rapidly. You may find yourself shedding 20-30 pounds a month. I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that would be great, but it’s not. It’s a problem because you’ll quickly have skin that is sagging and looks disgusting. People who lose weight too quickly find themselves with pounds and pounds of lose skin, that not only gets in the way, but also gets sores under it and sometimes becomes infected.

9. Diet pills can be very addictive. There are two main reasons why you may become addicted to diet pills. You may become addicted to the substances that cause you have to so much energy or you may become addicted because you are afraid of gaining the weight back if you stop taking diet pills. Either way, addiction is a scary thing. You should never allow your body be controlled by an addiction.

10. You can use natural ingredients rather than taking diet pills. You don’t need diet pills to up your metabolism. This can be achieved using Green Tea, lemon, and foods containing hot red peppers, just to name a few. These are items that won’t jeopardize your health and won’t cost you several hundred dollars.

Diet pills may be tempting, but I’m sure that after reading this list you’ll realize that they just aren’t worth it. We all want to be thin, but if it kills you, you’ll never enjoy the benefits of losing all that weight. You should lose weight in a healthier way and be proud of yourself for working hard and eating the right foods, rather than just popping diet pills.

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